Shop no 859, yogi tower faliya 9970, Village- Hanumanbari, Ta- vansda, Di- navsari, Gujarat, 396580 India.

“E-VISIONARIES” means E-VISIONARIES MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 OR 2013, having its registered office at Shop no 859, yogi tower faliya 9970, Village- Hanumanbari, Ta- vansda, Di- navsari, Gujarat, 396580 India.

Every distributors are required to observe the E-VISIONARIES code of ethics at all time. “Prospect” means a potential distributors.

“E-visionaries compensation plan” means the plan provided in e-visionaries Marketing Plan, sponsoring procedures and guidelines, requirements, procedures and policies regarding the presentation of e-visionaries’s Products, the e-visionaries’s business and the management of e-visionaries organization, as amended from time to time by e-visionaries’s, and which forms an integral part of the distributors Contract.

“e-visionaries’s distributor” means a person or firm that has entered a Contract with e-visionaries pursuant to registration with e-visionaries in accordance with Rules of Conduct.

 “Sensitive Personal Data” refers to the personal data collected by the e-visionaries Distributors while conducting e-visionaries Business, from prospects (Direct Sellers & Consumers), other e-visionaries Distributors, Consumers and third parties, as defined under applicable law from time to time, including but not limited to Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021.

 “e-visionaries Products” means all goods and services, including literature and other support materials made available by e-visionaries to Distributors.

“Sponsor” means a distributors who introduces an applicant to e-visionaries for joining as an Independent Distributors in compliance with all applicable requirements and who, in turn, is assigned by e-visionaries to support the recommended applicant, if the application is accepted by e-visionaries. Everything that is in the singular shall include the plural, and whatever refers to the masculine shall include the feminine.

“Point of Sale” includes e-visionaries Distribution Points, e-visionaries website – www. (Website) com or e-visionaries App (IOS & Android). E-visionaries compensation Plan and Terms and Conditions stated on e-visionaries Application form or any other published material of e-visionaries forms an integral part of the Distributor’s Contract.

 “Rules of Conduct”/ “Rules” shall mean these Code of Ethics & Rules of Conduct for Distributors that can be changed or modified by e-visionaries from time to time, as provided in these Rules.

“e-visionaries Business” means all obligations, requirements, restrictions, and opportunities connected with selling e-visionaries Products and servicing Customers.

Company reserves the right to terminate distributorship at any time for any violation. Upon distributors are expected to pledge the following:

  1. I will present the company’s marketing plan accurately and honestly, clearly portraying the level of effort required for achieving success.
  2. I will perform all my duties as an e-visionaries Distributors and maintain highest standards of conduct. I will observe and strictly always adhere to the following guidelines that are applicable to all e-visionaries distributor under e-visionaries compensation Plan.
  3. I will not engage in activities that may bring disrepute to e-visionaries or any e-visionaries products/services and are detrimental to e-visionaries image/business.
  4. I will at all times make a fair and truthful presentation of e-visionaries products and the sales and marketing plan, and I shall make sure to present what is approved in official e-visionaries publications.
  5. I shall be courteous and prompt in handling of any or all claims for exchange and return and follow the procedures prescribed by e-visionaries from time to time in its official publication.
  6. I will always carry out the responsibilities of an e-visionaries Distributors and that of Sponsor as detailed in official e-visionaries publication and not indulge in any activity, which damages any Distributor’s group or business.
  7. I will only use e-visionaries produced and e-visionaries Authorized Literature and publications (transliterate) in order to carry out the e-visionaries Business.
  8. I will not promote opportunity / product / services of other company in direct or indirect competition to e-visionaries Also, I will not directly or indirectly deal with anyone from any competition companies.
  9. I will not covertly or overtly undermine any of e-visionaries initiatives or manipulate any e-visionaries Promotions, Overseas Trips or any other activity, etc.
  10. I will keep myself fully updated with all the documents forming a part of the Distributors Contract and other related publications available on the e-visionaries Portal and as amended from time to time by e-visionaries.




  1. Registration & Activation as a distributor joining in e-visionaries is free and you are not required to pay any amount for your Registration as e-visionaries distributor.
  2. An e-visionaries believes in equal opportunity for all.
  3. The e-visionaries Business is available to anyone regardless of race, gender (sex), and religious or political beliefs.
  4. To become an e-visionariesdistributor, you are required to fill application form.
  5. Without limiting e-visionaries rights,

The following are requirements for becoming a distributor with e-visionaries. A Prospective Distributors must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:



Be at least 18 years of age (21 years for the State of Maharashtra).Be a citizen and resident of India. Must not be in jail, have any criminal record and/or confined to any correctional institution of any kind. Must undertake to e-visionaries that there is no legal bar or limitation on his ability to meet the legal obligations as an e-visionaries Distributors. Must not have been suspended from his or her current profession or business by any professional association, society, or institution. Must not have been convicted or bankrupt during the preceding 5 years from the time of making the application to become e-visionaries distributor. Points to remember before registering as a e-visionaries distributor. There is no requirement to make any payment as joining fee or in return for any information or assistance provided for becoming an e-visionaries distributor or to make any payment by way of security to become a e-visionaries distributor. There is no mandatory requirement to maintain a specified minimum inventory of e-visionaries Products. There is no compulsory requirement to Purchase tickets for and/or attend or participate in rallies, seminars, or other meetings and trainings organized by e-visionaries and/or e-visionaries distributor. There is no requirement to Purchase hardware or software for computers, establish a website or subscribe to an Internet Service as a condition to becoming an e-visionaries distributor or as a condition of receiving assistance in the development of the e-visionaries business from the person who has sponsored you in e-visionaries Business.


An e-visionaries exclusively reserves the right to approve or reject any application submitted by individual multiple(s) to as e-visionaries distributor without having to give any explanation whatsoever.

Authorization for Ordering.

An Application shall be considered “approved” when either personal detail of the Applicant(s) are entered and verified in e-visionaries records or when e-visionaries notifies to the new Distributors accordingly in any manner whatsoever, normally by issuance of an SMS on registered mobile number, whichever is earlier. The new distributor may resell e-visionaries Products after receipt of confirmation as provided by e-visionaries authorized person.

Prohibition of family members in joining a different line of sponsorship (crossline) anyone in the family may join e-visionaries under the primary code of the family in the same Line of Sponsorship (at any depth), but is prohibited from joining a different line of sponsorship (Crossline). If they are found registered in a different line of Sponsorship, the said joining shall be treated as void ab initio and liable to be terminated. ‘Family’ means Spouse, Parents as well as Children of both applicant and co-applicant, Siblings (brother and/or sister), except the married daughter. The family members will not be allowed to become applicant/co-applicant on any other Distributor number in any other line of sponsorship except in case of inheritance after Death. Also, the family members will not be allowed representation for recognition or participation in trips in any other Distributor number in any other line of sponsorship.


E-visionaries does not charge any renewal fee for e-visionaries business to remain active. However, e-visionaries business will be discontinued if the Distributors resigns and the resignation is duly accepted by e-visionaries or the Distributor’s ID is terminated by e-visionaries.


Bonus for all distributors is computed once in a calendar month, and commensurate with the business done in the relevant business month. Pay outs will be issued by the Company to the registered distributors as per Company’s policy.

On receipt of monthly payout distributors should check accuracy of computation. Any queries in this respect should be made within 15 days from the date of issuance of payout by the Company. In the absence of such queries the figures mentioned in the statement shall be final and binding.


It is mandatory for the distributors to provide their address and bank details. They must also send to us information as per Company Guidelines if there is any change in their address/bank details/mobile no/email id.

In order to receive Bonus, the distributor must mandatorily provide his/her Bank Details to e-visionaries. In case the distributor fails to provide the Bank Details, e-visionaries reserves the right to withhold the bonus amount.


A person/entity who completes the KYC (Aadhar Card, Driving Li- cense, Voter ID Card, Passport, Ration Card, or any other identity document(s) issued by any State Government or the Central Government, which can be verified ) formalities and fills the Distributor Application + Agreement Form (the “Applicant”) shall be assigned an Applicant Number. The Applicant Number shall be valid for 45 days and the Applicant shall be confirmed as a distributor pursuant to its carrying out at least one transaction within45 days from the date of submission of the Distributor Application + Agreement Form.


 Distributor(s) shall not exaggerate or misrepresent benefits associated with the Company and the Company’s products and services. Distributor(s) must know and convey those earnings come only through hard work, commitment and consistent efforts. Distributor(s) shall not make claims other than what is mentioned in the Company’s plans and literature about products, quality and earnings. Company has the unconditioned rights to ta any and all actions including seeking damages for distributor action / inaction inviting and causing ill-repute / loss to the Company for misrepresentation.


The product description, labelling, pricing and packaging done / determined by the Company is final and sacrosanct. No alteration is permissible in these. Distributor(s) are not authorized to relabel, repack, and alter description or sale products loose or in a form not originally caused by the Company or at a price not fixed by the Company. Allegations against distributor(s) for contravening this rule shall be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.


Prior to the time of the initial sale, Distributors shall provide a duly filled Order Form to the Customer which shall include all the details as given below:

The complete name of the Direct Selling Entity – E-visionaries marketing     private Limited. The name of the Distributors along with the ID number allotted by E-visionaries. Contact number of the Distributors. Complete Description of the Goods and Services to be supplied. Country of Origin of the Goods, Order Date, Total amount to be paid by the Customer, Time and Place of inspection and delivery of Goods. A link to the return and refund policy. A link to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Mechanism. At the time of reselling products, a Distributors shall issue a written and dated receipt to the Customer. This receipt shall contain E-visionaries 100% Satisfaction Guarantee including product refund policy and shall be in compliance With all the applicable laws. This receipt must include Product Description, Price, Distributor’s reference and registration details.

Prospecting and presenting Sales and Marketing Plan: At all times Distributors are required to make fair Presentation of E-visionaries Products to the best of his/her abilities communicate clearly the terms of the offer, rights provided by E-visionaries, price, payment terms, delivery, right to return, etc. as required for making an informed choice while presenting themselves in a courteous and well-behaved manner.


Distributors shall observe decorum while engaging with customers and shall ensure that they are not disturbed without prior intimation, it could be for sale of E-visionaries products and/or services or it could be for introducing the E-visionaries business or both. Distributors shall never impose himself or herself upon his/her prospective customer and shall not indulge in high pressure selling. Shall not persuade any prospect into purchasing any E-visionaries Literature by giving an impression that the same is a mandatory requirement to become a E-visionaries Distributors.


Whenever there is any Customer complaint, the Distributors shall acknowledge the Complaint within 48 hours and shall notify E-visionaries along with all correspondences they have had with customer regarding the complaint while also guiding the customer for replacing products as per E-visionaries 100% Satisfaction Guarantee available on.


Distributors shall indemnify E-visionaries for any claim, legal actions etc. (including E-visionaries legal fees) originating because of any failure by the Distributors to observe this rule.


Distributors shall seek prior written consent before publishing anything in media relating to E-visionaries, its business or Distributors. No Distributors shall make any press statement, release, briefing, presentation etc. relating to E-visionaries, its business or Distributors without prior written consent of E-visionaries. Distributors shall prospect only to his/her pre-existing personal or business relationships and shall not use unsolicited email messages to any unknown person(s). Manipulation of E-visionaries Sales and Marketing plan: E-visionaries Distributors shall not influence any reward / award or bonuses by manipulating compensation Plan, their Sales Volume or by creating any artificial structure in E-visionaries network. Territory and prohibition on exports: The business is confined to the territory of India and Export of E-visionaries products, or knowingly selling to others who export, is not permitted. Only E-visionaries reserves the right to export its products at its discretion as to the customer and price.




Compensation Plan must not be presented As an opportunity to make quick and easy money with little or no investment of money and time as if there is no requirement  to  resell  E-visionaries  products  While  prospecting,  sponsor  must  only  use  E-visionaries products/authorized literature and may cite lifestyle examples, e.g. travel automobile, homes of successful Distributors, accrued as the result of building a successful E-visionaries Business.



Distributors may submit letter through an email to support- E-visionaries @ mail from his/her registered email address or in writing at any of our E-visionaries Centers / Offices to resign as a E-visionaries Distributors citing reason for the same with a copy to his sponsor / Regional Head / E-visionaries Customer Delight Team. In the event of Resignation, Distributors shall cease to have contractual liabilities with E-visionaries or his/her sponsor, except for On account of indemnities in respect of costs or damages legal or otherwise, arising as a result of any misrepresentation or infringement of any laws.

If the resigning Distributors has some E-visionaries products to return at the time of resignation and if they are in saleable condition (to be decided by E-visionaries) and returned within 30 days of their purchase, he/she can return the same to receive the refund.

The amount refunded will be equal to the price paid after adjusting all benefits availed by the Distributors and / or bonus paid to the Distributors as a result of purchase of such products. The Distributors will have to present the copy of the related invoice. Payment for the product return will be made to the Distributors within 15 days’ time from the date of return of the products.



Once an E-visionaries Distributors terminates his/ her contract with E-visionaries or Resigns, he/ she shall not be allowed to enter into a contract with E-visionaries as an E-visionaries Distributors for a period of 6 (Six) months from the date of his/ her Resignation or Termination.

 However, for those who have resigned or got terminated, the above said inactivity period shall be extended to 11 (eleven) months from the date of his/her Resignation or Termination. If an E-visionaries Distributors violates the above-said rule and enters into a contract with E-visionaries as an E-visionaries Distributors during the Dormant/inactivity period, the said joining shall be treated as void initio and is liable to be terminated.

 To apply for a new E-visionaries business under this Rule, Distributors must submit a new Distributors Application Form specifying the following on the Application Form Declaration of dormancy/inactivity If any Distributors opposes or has reservation against any former Distributors re-joining the business, he/she can file an objection with E-visionaries submitting a clear proof of activity of this former Distributors in the last six months/twelve months (for Director and above) period.

 If valid evidence of activity during the six months period is received, E-visionaries will reject the application. However, E-visionaries reserves the right to take final decision on a case-to-case basis. Applicants can not apply under this rule to become a partner in an already existing E-visionaries business.


We observe an irreversible 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on our products, wherever specified. This assures that consumers of E-visionaries products will be satisfied with their purchases. If a Customer is not completely satisfied, he/she may return the product to the E-visionaries Distributors for a 100% refund for the product within 7 days of original purchase.

An E-visionaries Distributors can return such products back to the E-visionaries within 30 days of its purchase. The Product Refund Policy is applicable on saleable products as well as partially used products, wherein not more than 25% of the product has been used. An E-visionaries Distributors shall guide its Customers on the mechanism to lodge complaint with E-visionaries in accordance with E-visionaries 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

E-visionaries Distributors shall advise E-visionaries of any customer complaint and provide copies of all correspondence and details of all conversations regarding the complaint within 24 hours of receiving the Complaint from the Customer. E-visionaries Distributors are not authorized to make any type of offer or compromise or render E-visionaries liable for any complaint or product return.

Whenever there is a request from a customer for honoring the Company Satisfaction Guarantee, the E-visionaries Distributors shall offer to the customer the choice of: Exchange with the same or another product of equivalent value.

E-visionaries Distributor are required to indemnify E-visionaries for any claim, legal actions, suit, etc. (including E-visionaries legal fees) which are filed or which originate because of any failure by the E-visionaries Distributors to observe this rule. Product Return Procedure: E-visionaries will accept return of products along with relevant Customer Order Receipt, Product Return Form and related invoice within 30 days of its purchase.

In case E-visionaries Distributors returns product under 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, he/she will have the option to take Credit note (through which the Distributors can buy same or another product of the same value) or Cash. If amount of refund in lieu of product returned is up to Rs. 1,000/-, cash will be issued immediately by management. However, if amount exceeds Rs. 1,000/-, Distributors will be issued amount in his registered bank account.

Product Return – Other guidelines/notes: This policy will apply on offer invoices as well as free product received under offer as follows.



In case a direct seller/ customer found any product being defective, he/ she shall bring it to the nearest E-visionaries Centre/Office and gets it replaced with the same product.




The Company compute wife and husband as one group for the purposes of distributorship. In situations where two independent existing distributors marry each other, upon marriage both of them are deemed to have surrendered their distributorship. The distributors who are married to each other, shall separately intimate to the Company about their marriage within 30 days from the date of their marriage.

Subject to conditions of other sub-clauses of this clause one amongst them ought to resign within 30 days from the date of marriage, failing which distributorship of both distributors shall be cancelled. Original downline structure of the distributor who resigns for reasons of marriage in terms of this sub-clause shall remain unchanged.

However, to maintain relationship with the Company and to conduct e-visionaries business, the Couple may form a ‘partnership firm’ in lines of the model ‘deed of partners- hip’ prescribed by the Company for the purposes of common distributorship, and submit the same under cover of a joint application seeking distributorship for such ‘partnership firm” within 30 days of their marriage.

 This partnership will replace the distributorship of the distributor who does not resign and the Structure will remain unchanged. Upon marriage amongst two existing distributors and they being given ‘partnership’ (irrespective of their level), they shall have a joint bank account and inform such particulars to the Company within 60 days from the date of marriage. The Company upon receipt of such intimation shall credit payouts/ bonus earned by the ‘partnership’ in such account.

If the account is not opened, no Bonus will be paid out by the Company and the Partnership firm will have no lien on the Bonus earned for the period. However, this sub-rule will not be made applicable for distributor couples who are both Platinum Directors and Car Fund Achievers unless of course they want such an arrangement. If both distributors are Platinum Directors and Car Fund Achievers, then their individual distributorships may separately be retained at original status.

However, one amongst the two may resign from distributorship / Platinum Directorship and the couple may apply for a single distributorship through “partners- hip” (comprising both of them as partners).This partnership will replace the distributorship of the distributor who does not resign and the Structure will remain unchanged.

In such cases, original downline structure of the distributor who resigns for reasons of marriage in terms of this sub clause shall remain unchanged. Even in this case both of them shall separately intimate the Company about their marriage within 30 days from the date of their marriage.

 Incase such couple does not form any ‘partnership firm within 30 days from their date of marriage or either of them does not inform factum of their marriage to the Company, the Company reserves the right to cause appropriate changes in their downline/network and merge their business(s) of two distributorships into one with conditions as may be deemed appropriate to the Company and/or cancel distributorship of one or both as per its discretion.


Discretion, May as a special arrangement, allow (without insisting upon lapse cooling period) both parties do e-visionaries business separately as freshly appointed distributors.

After the judgment of the court, the suspension of the spouse in whose name the court has approved for distributorship to be continued, can continue as a distributor, and the partnership will stand dissolved. In case the judgment is silent on the issue, the distributors- hip under partnership will stand terminated.

 In cases where a married couple is distributor and co-distributor and any of them files a petition for divorce, the Company shall only consider the distributor as its principal distributor and no rights shall accrue to the co-distributor except when a decision is taken on the issue of succession of distributorship by an appropriate court (whether interim or final). However, this shall be subject to a final decision by the Company.


The failure of the Company to exercise any rights stated in the Company Rules and Regulations or in the Distributor Application Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the Company’s rights to demand exact compliance therewith. Any waiver by the Company can and shall only be affected in writing by authorized personnel of the Company.



A distributor do not:

Incur any liabilities or Debt in the name or on behalf of the Company.

 Enter into, modify or alter any contract in the name of the Company.

Engage itself or show interest directly/indirectly as agent, servant or licensee for sale of any product/ goods other than those of the Company, in any trade, business or profession in competition with the Company.


In the case of the death of a distributors, where there is no nominee:

The business shall pass to the Executor for the deceased distributors and the Executor shall receive all or part of the Commissions and privileges earned by the E-visionaries business that he represents, for the period during which he manages it. If E-visionaries is not notified of the appointment of an Executor within 60 days of death of the Distributors, E-visionaries can dispose business in accordance with Rule. The Executor of the deceased Distributors Business shall as soon as possible after the death of the Distributors(s), do the following:

If the executor of the deceased Distributors is already an existing E-visionaries Distributors then in such cases the executor will be allowed to hold his existing E-visionaries Business along with the E-visionaries Business inherited by him/her and shall be allowed to run both the businesses separately. If he is or becomes a Distributors, take charge of the deceased Distributors E-visionaries Business.

 If an E-visionaries Business belongs to two unmarried persons, and upon the death of the main applicant, the following provisions shall apply: The legal heir of the deceased main applicant can apply to E-visionaries with all original documents validating his claim, for replacing the deceased name by his / her name within 60 days from the date of the death of the deceased main applicant. In the event, E-visionaries does not receive requisite documents within the stipulated period, E-visionaries shall dispose the said business. Surviving co-applicant shall obtain (by will or sale) the interest of the deceased Distributors.


E-visionaries Distributors operating an office if desires to display E-visionaries Name or logo that is visible to public, he/she must first obtain prior approval from E-visionaries in writing while providing description of proposed signs, its size, location and type/method of installation. This office however shall not be used to service any retail customers. E-visionaries reserves the right at all times to terminate the Association and withdraw permission to use the E-visionaries name if ethical operation are not carried out. The decision of E-visionaries in this regard shall be final.


E-visionaries Distributors must obtain explicit prior written approval from E-visionaries for using Trade name, Trademark, logotype design or symbol on any vehicle. E-visionaries reserves the right to withdraw permission to use the E-visionaries name on any vehicle if the owner fails to comply with the specified rules and requirements, permits his vehicle to fall into disrepair, violates the Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct, or is guilty of any conduct prejudicial to the interest of E-visionaries, of which E-visionaries shall be the sole judge. The E-visionaries name and logotype must be completely removed at the time of selling the vehicle.


E-visionaries Distributors must take prior approval in writing for printing stationary bearing E-visionaries Logotype, trade name or trademark by sending exact copy to be used for printing before printing is actually done. Subsequent to the approval, there shall be no deviation whatever from the approved copy.


E-visionaries prohibits the use of mass and/or broadcast communication methods such as mass mailing, tele-marketing, national or international advertising, television merchandising channels, computer networks including internet or any other means by which personal contact with the prospect is not there, to secure E-visionaries customers. However, Distributors may use digital media or maintain an Internet Website for use with prospects, provided the contents of such media or Website meets the requirements set within the Distributors Guidelines and complies with the Terms and Conditions of E-visionaries Business, after obtaining explicit consent and authorization from E-visionaries.

Penalties for Violators: In case any Distributors violates any clauses of the code of ethics his Association shall be terminated forthwith. Shall be prohibited from representing as a Distributors of E-visionaries and He cannot use the trademarks and trade name of E-visionaries. In case he continues to do so then he shall be liable for infringement and a suit for damages and injunction shall be filed at his risk and cost.


This Policy is intended to help Distributors to apply necessary rules and principles to social media interactions. Distributors desiring to use Social Media for their E-visionaries Business should review all the documents constituting the Distributors Contract and adhere to the same while using Social Media such as websites, online tools like blogs, micro blogs, message boards, podcasts, video and photo sharing sites, online communities, wikis etc.

That are used to connect and interact online with other people and share any content and information. Connect with E-visionaries online, join official sites to share posts, videos and photos posted by E-visionaries with your teams, customers and prospects. Maintain privacy settings while connecting with friends or friend of friends, those Sponsored Distributors and Sponsor as appropriate.

Self-disclose your affiliation with E-visionaries if you intend to discuss the business on your page; be truthful and accurate at all times considering your comments reflects upon your and E-visionaries’s reputation. Share positive experiences about E-visionaries products and the E-visionaries business.

Offer participation, support and feedback. When approaching others or entering the conversation, interact positively, be relevant and credible. Refer questions or other users with questions to E-visionaries. Remember to abide by the Distributors Contact for E-visionaries Distributors. Only some of the applicable rules are listed here for ready reference. Distributors may clarify any other doubts from E-visionaries. Do not create pages, websites, accounts or other online sites to sell products. If someone contacts you online and expresses a desire to buy product or learn more about the business, contact them privately through chats, messages or email. Do not offer discounts or special promotions not offered by E-visionaries.

Do not create fake E-visionaries or product brand identities. When it comes to naming your page, you are not allowed to use E-visionaries trademarks or trade names. Do not use E-visionaries logos, E-visionaries Product logos, brand images, photographs and copyrighted text including product literature or E-visionaries management’s without prior permission from E-visionaries or misrepresent E-visionaries in any way.

Do not make claims about E-visionaries products that are false, misleading or incorrect. Do not upload photographs / videos / content related to E-visionaries Business, events or products that are not authorized by E-visionaries, false, misleading or incorrect.

 Distributors conduct and activities while using the Social media for their E-visionaries Business is governed by the Code of Ethics & Rules of Business and the above policy, which are subject to change from time to time. Violation of the Rules and/or this policy may invite action against your E-visionaries Business.


If in a given situation any E-visionaries Distributors is found to be holding two (or more) registrations, (In the capacity of Applicant or Co-applicant); E-visionaries at its sole discretion would act in the following manner:

A show-cause notice to be issued to erring E-visionaries Distributors seeking explanation about this breach.

E-visionaries Management to carry out a detailed investigation in this regard and in accordance with the defined Distributors Contact terminate the Second registration with immediate effect and without having to pay the proceeds accrued under the ambit of Compensation plan on this registration.

Suspension system

E-visionaries may employ various actions and procedures to encourage proper E-visionaries business conduct:

Hold payment of commissions, award money, or other additional benefit payable to the Distributors. Not allow him/her to attend E-visionaries sponsored seminars, events, meetings, training sessions, home presentations etc.

Prevent him/her from participating in E-visionaries sponsored trips. Upon termination of his or her authorization as an E-visionaries Distributors for any cause whatsoever, the Distributors shall forthwith: Cease to identify himself as an E-visionaries Distributors and shall cease to have all rights as a E-visionaries Distributors and Cease to use all trademarks, trade names, insignia, or other industrial property used in or related to the E-visionaries business.

All income being generated after the date of termination. In the event that E-visionaries terminates a Distributor’s business pursuant to the violation of Distributors Contract, the Distributors will have no claim against E-visionaries arising out of or in respect of the termination.

E-visionaries may terminate without affording to give an opportunity to rectify Distributor’s improper conduct where the violation has been of such magnitude as to bring into serious question the right of such Distributors to continue to operate his business.


Where E-visionaries is of the opinion that the interests of any E-visionaries Business within a particular Line of Sponsorship are being adversely affected by the inability or unwillingness of a Distributors within the same Line of Sponsorship to properly carry out his/her responsibilities and obligations as a Distributors, E-visionaries may by notice in writing appoint an Interim Manager to run the business of the violating Distributors.

Such appointment shall apply until resolution of the situation and at the sole discretion of E-visionaries.


This policy is to emphasize that E-visionaries will not overlook any violation of any provisions of the Distributors Contract defined and printed in any of E-visionaries Publications; no leniency shall be shown in dealing with a Distributors who is found indulging in adverse conduct or to be in violation of the Distributors Contract.

In addition, E-visionaries can hold the Distributors responsible for any cost or damages incurred by E-visionaries and/or any other E-visionaries Distributors if the activities of the Distributors have the effect of derogating, diminishing, or damaging the reputation of E-visionaries or its products and/or services.


E-visionaries may at its absolute discretion, change, rectify or amend any of Rules of Conduct & Code of Ethics, terms & conditions of E-visionaries compensation Plan and policies or any other document comprising the distributor’s Contract from time to time; any such amendment in policy /procedures / new schemes / E-visionaries’s initiatives shall be communicated through E-visionaries website www. (Web site) com/ E-visionaries app (IOS & Android).

E-visionaries Connect magazine / posters displayed at E-visionaries Success Centre or any other published material. The Distributors has the option to terminate the contract forthwith if the Distributors does not accept the terms and conditions. In such a case he will be required to send a written communication to E-visionaries. If he continues business after communication of amendment of any document constituting the Distributors Contract it shall be presumed that the Distributors has accepted the amendments and is bound by them.


E-visionaries does not permit Distributors to display/sell its products/ literature through retail stores. No Distributors shall permit E-visionaries Products or services to be sold or displayed in retail stores, schools, fairs, ships or military stores; nor shall he or she permit any E-visionaries product to appear in such locations even if the E-visionaries product or services themselves are not for sale.

No E-visionaries point of sale material, literature shall be displayed in retail establishments. A Distributors who works in or owns a retail store must operate his or her E-visionaries business separate and apart from the retail store. Such Distributors must secure customers and deliver products to them in the same manner as E-visionaries Distributors who have no connection with a store. Other types of retail establishments, which are not technically stores, such as barber shops, beauty shops etc.

 Likewise may not be used to display E-visionaries Products, information about E-visionaries services, or E-visionaries literature. Further, Distributors may not use mass communication methods such as television merchandising channels, computer networks, national or international advertising, etc., to secure E-visionaries customers. Exception to above Rule for Beauty salons, health clubs, Doctors, hospitals, clinics.

Termination of a Distributors

All rights as an E-visionaries Distributors.

All income and benefits of the sales and marketing plan being generated after the date of termination. Termination of the Distributor’s authorization to operate as an E-visionaries Distributors means the termination of all rights derived from said authorization, and in conjunction therewith, the right to receive any further income from or generated by such business arising or accruing after the date of termination.

The Process of Termination of De-sponsorship: The Distributors, whose authorization is to be cancelled who is to be de-sponsored, shall be given written notice of E-visionaries’s decision by Registered Mail and various digital modes of delivery including but not limited e-mail, WhatsApp etc.

In addition to complying with the laws of India pertaining to such termination or De-sponsorship, the notice of termination, cancellation, or De-sponsorship shall: Be mailed to the last mailing address of such parties as shown and updated in E-visionaries’s records, the notice will be deemed to be delivered at the last updated address irrespective of whether the said distributors was available on the provided address or not.

If applicable, state the Rule(s) violated by the Distributors. State the date on which any such action shall become effective, and If applicable, advise the Distributors of his opportunity to appeal E-visionaries’s decision to a Review. In the event that E-visionaries terminates a Distributor’s business or that a Distributors is de-sponsored of his Business Group by E-visionaries pursuant to these Rules of Conduct, the Distributors will have no claim against E-visionaries arising out of or in respect of the termination or De-sponsorship.


E-visionaries may initiate termination, De-sponsorship, or suspension of a Distributor’s business even in the absence of a formal complaint. E-visionaries shall not, however, take action against the Distributors until E-visionaries has first offered the violating Distributors an opportunity to explain and/or justify his conduct. Where the violation has been of such magnitude as to bring into serious question the right of such Distributors to continue to operate his business, E-visionaries may terminate without affording the Distributors the opportunity to rectify his past improper conduct.

The Distributors shall have the right to request a review of the decision by E-visionaries.




For distributor

Keep the distributor with his / her credentials and do not visit without the consent of the customer.

At the time of product sale, without prompting at the beginning of the presentation, clearly identify the goods or services being sold and state the purpose of the request to the customer.

 Giving to the customer the item, service, prices, credit terms, and terms of sale, guarantee terms and complete information.

Provide this information to the customer when selling the item such as; Name, address, registration number, proof of identity, telephone number, seller details.

 Explain the company’s return policy to the customer before making the transaction to pick up the item. State the date of order, bill, and amount to be paid.

State details of grievance redressal mechanism. The distributor shall maintain proper account books showing the relevant details of the goods sold by him.


A distributor should not do this

Use of deceptive, incorrect or inappropriate trading methods to customer.

Includes false futures, unfair recruitment, and false representations to customer.

Misrepresent the benefits of the item to customer.

Knowledge, remuneration system, understanding of the item, avoids any action related to sale.

Selling unreasonably large quantities of goods by a distributor misrepresenting to the customer. Not giving accurate information about service tax and GST of the item taken by the distributor.

Making cross line by distributor in the company.

Obligations of Company towards Distributor

The company will provide training to all the distributors including how to bring in new customers, accurate remuneration on all aspects of remuneration system and sales operations.  Proper manual or electronic records of their business dealing with full details of their goods and services should be maintained but not limited to.

The company will maintain a “Register of Distributors” in which the relevant details of each registered distributor will be updated and maintained.

Distributor details include verified proof of address, proof of identity and page and will not be limited enough.

That company will maintain a proper and updated website with all relevant details of the company, contact information, its operations, product, product information, product quality certificate, price, full income plan, terms of agreement with distributor and grievance redressal mechanism for distributors.

That the company will provide the distributors with details of their periodic account/ information, as applicable, sales, purchases, earnings, commissions, bonuses and other related data as per the agreement with the distributors. All financial debts will be paid and any cash will be commercially reasonable.

That the company will monitor the purchase price of all its distributors on a monthly basis and once the purchase price exceeds the VAT threshold, the company should inform the distributors to pay VAT.

That the company will not force any distributor to purchase the goods.

For an amount that exceeds an amount for which such goods or services can be expected to be sold or resold to consumers.

For a quantity of goods or services that exceeds an amount that can be expected to be consumed by or sold or resold to consumers.


Obligation of distributor towards consumer

The company will provide the following information when the customer purchases the item.

Name of buyer and seller.

Delivery date of goods or services.

 Procedures for returning goods.

In case of warranty and defect of goods, exchange / replacement of goods, however, no distributor, in pursuit of sale, will make a claim which is not consistent with the claims authorized by the distributor entity.

The company and distributor will take appropriate steps to ensure the protection of all private information provided by the customer.

That distributor and company will be guided by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 1986.

That the supply/distribution of goods with the knowledge that such goods / products are of inferior quality as stated by the manufacturer or have exceeded its validity period.

That should be clearly displayed on the MRP package.

That the company / distributor who sells the goods to the consumer will issue a cash bill to such customer as per the provisions of the law.


All distributors are required to strictly abide by the above policy.

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This is to notify all concerned, as well as general public, that M/s E-visionaries marketing pvt ltd., Is the business of marketing of proprietary multi products and is entitled to the trademark. E-visionaries marketing pvt ltd.

Company has channelized its marketing and distribution of the products through its distribution of the product through its distributors in India not through e-commerce channels.

All concerned/public in general are hear by advice and cautioned not to be lured by any such dishonest persons who solicit, Not allowing the consumer enough time to read an agreements, ask questions or get advice, forcing a person to sign a blank or one side contract, using high pressure tactics, not properly explaining the conditions of a contract to a persons who does not speak English or has a learning disability, wrongly accepting payment for goods or services, false representations about employment and business activities, bait advertising, offering rebates, prizes and other free items without providing them, unfounded predictions and promises, fake review and fake testimonials. It’s the also against the law for businesses to make false claims or misleading representations about company’s goods or services. This means business is not allowed to make statements that are incorrect or likely to create a false impression. Any manner in respect of any company’s products with the tampered labels or otherwise in any manner, which is punishable by law. Please not that company is not in any responsible and/or liable for the action of either the wrongdoers and/or their victim in any manner, whatsoever, at any time. Despite the above communication, if anyone is founded to be carrying on any such unethical business practices with regard to E-visionaries marketing pvt ltd. Products and plan, company shall take term action against such wrongdoers, as per law.


General public is informed before doing business with our company that our company does not do any kind of financial investment or any investment scheme or chit fund venture etc.  Our company does not charge any amount for registration or collection.  Any registration/joining fee to become a distributor of the company and a unique business ID/password is provided free of cost to the person who wants to become a customer of the company. Further, customer after getting his/her ID password details can buy any product as per his/her wish which will be available on our website and can also become a distributor of the company.  It is hereby further informed that our company is engaged in the business of direct selling through its direct sellers and other business activities as mentioned in the object clause of the memorandum of association of the company.  We are also involved in marketing or selling goods directly to end consumers at or below MRP.  We also declare that we do not make any guarantee or promise regarding any revenue arising from the purchase of the product by the concerned customer through the company or its direct sellers.  However, a direct distributor will be eligible for sales incentives based on the volume of business done by him/her as per the terms and conditions of the company and our company follows the guidelines issued by the government. The information contained in our brochure or website is for general information purpose only and our company does not take responsibility for any false promise/representation/commitment/inducement etc. made by any direct seller on behalf of the company. This information is provided by E-visionaries marketing private limited.


SAVAN P PATEL Director of the E-visionaries Marketing Private Limited declare that we are compliant with the following:

 (a) We are not involved in any Pyramid Scheme, as defined in Rule 3(1) (1) of the Consumer

Protection (Direct Selling) Rules 2021. 

(b) We are not involved in any money circulation scheme, as defined in Rule 3(1) (f) of the

Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules 2021.

(c) We are compliant with all the provisions of the Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules 2021 issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.

 Our business model is built on product recommendations of individual customer service and company’s Distributors. It is a business of another person where our e-visionary distributor considers its customer by providing high quality service and explaining the characteristics, benefits and use of the products. Therefore our e-visionary distributors do not sell retail stores or online products. In direct selling, the direct seller earns money by selling good quality products and/or services and there is no provision that the direct seller gest remuneration or incentives for recruiting/enrolling new customers the cost to get started as a direct seller is zero. 

Pyramid/Ponzi scheme is a multi-level network of investors in a scheme organized with the objective of obtaining any benefit, directly or indirectly, as a result of the registration, action or performance of additional investors in the scheme more investors are designed to register investor. Investor who register more investors rank higher and Registration investor go lower, thus, with continuous registration, they form a multi-level network of investors. Such Ponzi schemes have no legal recognition in the eyes of the law.